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About FSA

We're creating a launching pad for those new to our hobby, while offering experienced simmers additional ways to connect and engage within the community. Our organization—supported by flight simmers, content creators, and developers—works to keep our hobby growing.

As the organizers of FlightSimExpo we regularly hear that it's difficult to get started in flight simulation. Because there are so many fantastic resources out there, knowing where to start isn't always easy. Answering a basic question like "which simulator is right for me?" might be obvious to an experienced simmer but can be overwhelming for newcomers. As simmers become more experienced, answering advanced questions such as how to install and configure add-ons, fine-tune computer performance, or update aircraft navdata isn't always straightforward.

Through FSA, we're helping to categorize and distill great content to help newcomers make connections with content creators, high-quality developers, and even other nearby simmers. We're also working to establish the quantitative impact casual/enthusiast flight simulation can have on real-world pilot training.

If you are new, we hope you'll find our guides and learning resources valuable. And if you're an experienced simmer already familiar with the community, you may appreciate the year-round discounts available across a wide variety of products. Plus, you might find out that there's a like-minded simmer just a few doors down!

And if you're a certificated pilot, or hoping to become one someday, we hope you'll see how this technology can benefit your training, even if it doesn't have a direct impact on your logbook.

Most of the getting started resources we offer are available by creating a free account. However, for those who wish to support us, we also offer a simple subscription that provides access to additional features. Paid membership isn't for everyone, and we understand that. If you're just looking for information on how to get started in flight simulation, a free account is the way to go. If you think those resources are helpful and find yourself wanting to help us create more, we hope you'll consider purchasing a membership.

We use membership fees to advocate for and grow our community. Whether we're demonstrating simulation to real-world pilots at events like Oshkosh or Sun 'N Fun, organizing community meet-ups, or engaging with local clubs and chapters, we hope that FSA benefits all of us.

We welcome anyone to help us build FSA by creating an account or by contributing to the site. We also encourage you to Contact Us with any thoughts, feedback, or suggestions you have.