Contribute to FSA!

A Community-Driven Organization
Screenshot by PILOTS

FSA is built by simmers, for simmers

We’re proud to be working with simulation developers, content creators, and flight simmers alike. If you’re interested in getting involved, there are several ways you can support FSA in its mission.

We're Supported By
Flight Simulation Partners


The more engagement and feedback we have with our content, the more we can do for you!

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We work with content creators and organizations across the industry to provide resources.

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We encourage developers of all sizes can get involved, and offer several ways to do so.

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Use Our Resources

The more engagement we have with our content, the more we can do for you! By attending a webinar, reading a guide, and connecting with others through Simmer Search or a local club, you’re helping make our resources even better.

Join us in Discord

We’re using Discord to connect flight simmers, share screenshots, exchange ideas, and plan for future community meet-ups like FlightSimExpo, our annual in-person convention. All FSA members have access to our Discord server; join us here.

Consider Subscribing

If you enjoy the free resources on this website and want to help us create more, consider becoming a Captain. In doing so, you’ll help support the costs of running the website, and unlock additional website features and membership perks. Find out more.

Spread the Word

The more members we have, the more content we can offer, and the more we can do for the community. We encourage to you to share the site with your friends. Feel free to use some of the language below to describe FSA.

Flight Simulation Association (FSA) is an independent, community-supported organization that works to keep our hobby growing. A free account provides access to getting started guides, in-depth webinars, and rotating product discounts. Learn more at!

Share our Logo

Use our logo anywhere it makes sense to do so, as long as you’re speaking positively about FSA. When using the logo, keep the proportions the same (don’t "squish" or "stretch" it), and use the correct color scheme for the context (don’t place a white logo on a white background).

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Reach our Members

As you’ll see throughout the site, we’re working with content creators and organizations across the industry to provide resources.

If you have experience you’d like to share or content you would like to contribute to FSA, get in touch with us. Examples of areas where you can help include:

  • Create guides on popular simulation subjects
  • Host webinars, panel discussions, or other livestreamed content
  • Write new Challenge flights for FSA members
Next Steps

We build specific agreements with content contributors based on experience, the type content you offer, and skill. For simmers with professional experience, a large following, or just the ability to create great content, monetization opportunities are available. Reach out to us with your portfolio and ideas so we can discuss working together.

Contact Us