Screenshot by Elias S.

Become a Member

Support FSA in building a community-driven organization that can help grow our hobby.

We work with simulation developers, content creators, and flight simmers alike. Through structured, curated content, we aim to help new and experienced members learn more about the hobby we all love.

Our Growing Community
First Officer


Free beginner content to help you get started in flight simulation.

  • Free guides and learning resources
  • 10% discounted in-person registration at FlightSimExpo
  • Discord community access
  • Local clubs and member meet-ups
  • Limited access to selected discounts
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Billed Annually

Subscriptions help FSA elevate the profile of flight simulation. Learn more, subscribing easily pays for itself!

Become a Captain

Frequently Asked Questions

Didn't find what you were after? Contact us.
What is FSA?
Flight Simulation Association (FSA) is an independent, community-driven association of enthusiasts, pilots, and industry developers that aims to make it easier for new simmers to get started in home flight simulation. By joining, members can unlock exclusive discounts, participate in free webinars/livestreams, and contribute ideas and suggestions. Read more about us.
Do you offer a free membership?
Yes: anyone can create a free account, which provides access to all of our guides, webinars, and a selection of discounts from our partners.
What are FSA Captains?
Most of the content on FSA is available for free to the community. However, some features are reserved for FSA Captains, members who have chosen to support the site by subscribing. The subscription fees we receive are re-invested back into FSA and into growing the flight simulation community.
How can I become a Captain?
If you do not yet have an FSA account, subscribe by visiting our Membership page. If you are already an FSA Member, visit the subscription page within your account to upgrade to Captain.
What if I decide to cancel my subscription?
If you no longer wish to be an FSA Captain, you may cancel at any time. Your subscription will continue through the end of the current billing cycle, and then your account will revert to being a First Officer. As a First Officer, you will retain access to our free Discounts, Guides, and Webinars.
Can I change my subscription plan later?
Yes, you may upgrade or downgrade your account between First Officer and Captain status at any time.
If I subscribe to the website, what will you do with my subscription fees?

Although most of the content on FSA is available for free, we do offer a subscription for those who wish to support the website and help in our mission to grow the community.

As we’ve done with FlightSimExpo, we reinvest membership fees back into the community through exhibiting flight simulation to real-world pilots at events like SUN 'n FUN and placing ads in aviation magazines and gaming publications. These are the types of things that become possible when you have an independent organization, supported by subscriptions, that works to support both flight simmers and developers.

Subscription income also allow us to make our website available without advertisements.

Who is behind this organization?
Evan and Phil, the co-creators of FlightSimExpo, have partnered with a wide variety of content creators, flight simulation developers, and community members to create the content you see on this site. FSA is independently owned and operated by FlightSimExpo Management Inc., the same organization that operates FlightSimExpo. For the full story, read more About Us.
What are you trying to achieve with FSA?

As the organizers of FlightSimExpo, we regularly hear that it’s difficult to get started in flight simulation. Because there are so many fantastic free resources out there, knowing where to start isn’t always easy. Answering a basic question like “which simulator is right for me?” might be obvious to an experienced simmer, but is often overwhelming for newcomers. Even as simmers become more experienced, how do you know where to look for information on purchasing a HOTAS, adding VR to your setup, or updating aircraft navdata, especially if you don’t know what these terms mean?

Especially because not everyone is comfortable jumping onto a forum or asking questions in Discord on day one, we’re trying to centralize and link to great free content here. The idea is to help those who are just joining our community make connections with great content creators, high-quality developers, and even other nearby simmers.

What are the long-term plans?

We are working to build FSA into a place for flight simmers, pilots, and aviation enthusiasts to come together. Some of that already happens once a year at FlightSimExpo, our annual convention. But we can do more.

Your subscriptions have allowed us to present webinars to the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), advertise flight simulation as a hobby in aviation magazines, and exhibit flight simulation at events like SUN 'n FUN and Consumer Electronics Show. We're starting to connect simmers with local clubs and chapters that host smaller events throughout the country and across the world.

As we gather thousands of simmers together, we can begin to achieve the type of advocacy shown by the 'real-world' pilot organizations out there. What if governments started recognizing flight simulation time as valuable for real-world training? What if air traffic control organizations recruited from networks like IVAO and VATSIM? What if our community played a role in training the drone operators of the future?

We think it's possible, someday, through an independent, simmer-driven organization like this.