Product Discounts

Exclusive Offers for FSA Members
Screenshot by Kells M.

10% off Kav Simulations' A3xx Hardware

  • Redeemable via Kav Simulations Redeem Discount
  • Available to:FSA Captains Only
  • Proudly provided to FSA Captains by:Kav Simulations


For home cockpit builders wanting the 'true-to-life' look, Kav Simulations has developed and created fully bespoke LCD panels for the Airbus A3xx family, specifically the A319, A320 & A321. By working with real Airbus pilots, they ensure the color and font are as accurate as can be manufactured, but keep costs low for flight simulation enthusiasts.

Kav Simulations offers FSA Captains a 10% discount on their LCD Unit and FCU LCD Unit. Just unlock the code and apply it to the cart before checking out. Available discounts:

A3xx EFIS LCD Unit - £39.99 £31.49 GBP
A3xx FCU LCD Unit - £49.99 £44.99 GBP 

If you're planning to purchase 2 EFIS displays, you can also save 20% on the cost of the FCU. Email us for details on how to unlock this additional perk.
Note: Prices shown are current as of August 2023 and may not reflect current pricing. Access Kav Simulation's website for current pricing. FSA discount is 10% off the price shown at
10% off Kav Simulations' A3xx Hardware