Become an FSA Captain to Access this Discount

A Captain Membership Pays for Itself:

Free Orbx Products

$60+ Value

Get 3 free Orbx products for MSFS and X-Plane, plus 20% off most of the Orbx product range.

Free Coaching

$55+ Value

A one-hour session with a Flight Sim Coach instructor to help you get started in flight simulation.

FLYING Magazine

$30+ Value

A free digital subscription to FLYING Magazine, plus 50% off print subscriptions.

FlightSimExpo Perks

$16+ Value

Get 20% discount off in-person FlightSimExpo registration, plus free online event access.

Product Discounts

Full access to 67 discounts and special offers from top flight simulation vendors

Expanded Discord Access

"Ask a CFI" and other special access in the Flight Simulation Association Discord.

For more information about FSA Captains, view our Membership Options.